Thursday 12 February 2015

Real life

I have been wrestling with a life decision. I do that. I agonise over things. Having an over-active imagination is awesome for writing, and not so good for dealing with real life. But what if THIS happens???? Cue panic attack.
I wrote out a table of for and against, as I like to do. I mean it when I say I agonise over things. The for column came out ahead but I was still worried.
And then I went for a long walk to think it all over. And I started singing an Amanda Palmer song in my head. She’s been in the news a lot lately for her tedtalk on ‘the art of asking’ and the book she was asked to write subsequently. She believes that giving things away comes back to you in the end. I was thinking that I can be more like her, too. Even if I suck at the ukulele.
Then, when I got home I made myself a drink and sat at my PC. My tumblr feed is a mix-up of a myriad of things; mostly TV shows and the sites of fans and writers. I do not follow photography or travel sites. And there was a photo of the city at the centre of the issue I was struggling with. Fine.
I switched to Twitter. I usually have the ‘What's happening now, tailored for you’ tag open so that I don’t get flooded with stuff. Another shot of the same city. Okay, that’s getting weird. It’s not even in the news right now.
I tried Google+. There it was again. And it is all different shots. Seriously?
I go to make dinner. Watching TV with kid 1 after dinner we tuned into a new Australian show called ‘Judith Lucy;is all woman’.
She’s a great Aussie comic and in one scene she was jelly wrestling another woman in the name of feminism. You’d have to watch the show to understand this.
I will give you one guess who that other woman was… yep; Amanda Palmer. Jeez. What are the odds?
I know most it is probably search engines throwing up what they think you are interested in, but maybe I should take nudges when I get them?
Fine, universe; I get it. I hear ya.

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